Wednesday, January 30, 2013


TODAY...I celebrate 4 weeks.  Feels good.  Down 13 lbs.  Diet Coke still in check.  Getting a good start with my breakfast shake each morning.  Struggling with lunch...seems to get missed more than it should.  Love Cliff Bars and Luna Bars. Peanut Honey Pretzel is my favorite. Working on not snacking at night, but if I have the calories, my preferred snack is Popcorn.  Now I just need a microwave that will actually pop it.  haha.  Next up is to add some exercise.  There I said it, so now I HAVE to do it!

1 comment:

PriMarilynLy Paper said...

Your salads look awesome and I love the input on favorite snacks, etc.! Really helps me make some good food decisions and reminds me to pick up good protein bars for those emergency situations! Keep us posted on all the delish stuff you are are going to be a stunner by (or before!) your big 60! Thank you for sharing your journey with friends like myself...who need to be motivated!